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Online Resources to help coordinate you coordinate pediatric care

There are a lot of pediatric sources and information out there, below are some recommendations and guidelines available to help you become informed of your child’s health, development, and illness.


For parents concerned about COVID-19; finding a pediatrician near me offering such services is essential. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve; health and safety is our utmost concern. COVID-19 PCR and rapid testing is available; rapid testing results are returned in 15 - 20 minutes and PCR testing results are returned anywhere from 1 - 2 days.

We are unable to carry the covid vaccine at this time due to logistics. We recommend this resource to guide you:


+ Behavior

  1. Austin Oaks Hospital: Provides in/outpatient for ages 4-17/ adults with mental health treatment programs, 24/7 hotline available
  2. Bluebonnet Trails: Mental health crisis hotline available 24/7
  3. Bluebonnet Trails: Local resource for various mental and behavioral concerns
  4. Georgetown Behavioral Health Institute: Provides ages 13-17 and adult in/outpatient mental health treatment programs, 24/7 hotline available
  5. Parenting a child with ADHD by CHADD
  6. Transitioning to STEM Toolkit for Students and Adults with ADHD or Learning Disabilities - Free Tips and Resources

+ Dental

  1. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
  2. NewMouth: Dental Solutions and Oral Health Resources

+ Development

  1. Early Childhood Intervention: Serves children from birth to 36 months with developmental concerns
  2. How much sleep do babies need?

+ Diet/Excercise

  1. Choose My Plate: Dietary guidelines by the USDA
  2. The Nutrition Source: Science-based guidance for healthy living
  3. My Munch Bug: Pediatric feeding expert and help for picky eaters
  4. Dr. Yum Project: Teaching a healthy lifestyle and providing great recipes
  5. Obesity Action Coalition: Evidence-based education on obesity and its treatments
  6. ChopChop Family: A fun cooking magazine for families and a source of healthy recipes

+ General Health

  1. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  2. Well Child Care Schedule Recommendations by the AAP
  3. Healthy Children: A large resource on a variety of topics for parents by the AAP

+ Infant Feeding

  1. Infant formula approved by WIC

+ Pediatric Websites

  1. Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics
  3. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

+ Safety

  1. Car Seat Safety by the AAP
  2. Safe Kids: Childhood Injury Prevention including car seat and swimming safety

+ Vaccines

  1. Immunizations by the AAP
  2. Vaccinations and Immunizations by the CDC
  3. Vaccinations for travelers by the CDC

